

My family is very important to me, and I love spending time with them. However, there is one small issue - their English level is not very high. As someone who speaks fluent English, this can sometimes be a challenge. In this article, I will explore some of the ways I have learned to communicate with my family despite the language barrier.

Simple Language

The first thing I learned when speaking to my family is to keep the language simple. Using complex sentences with lots of idioms is not going to work. Instead, I focus on using easy-to-understand vocabulary and simple sentence structures. This keeps the conversation flowing and helps my family understand what I am saying.

For example, instead of saying “I had a fantastic day today, I went to this really cool restaurant with some friends and we had a blast,” I would say “Today was good. I went to dinner with friends at a nice place.” The message is the same, but the delivery is more suited to my audience.

Visual Aids

Another great tool I use to communicate with my family is visual aids. This can be anything from pictures to drawings to videos. It is much easier for my family to understand something if they can see it. So, if I am trying to explain where I went for a vacation, I will pull up some pictures on my phone and show them. This makes the conversation more engaging and helps my family feel like they are a part of the experience.

Using visual aids also helps me avoid misunderstandings. A picture speaks a thousand words, as they say, and it is less likely that my family will get confused or misinterpret what I am saying if they can see it for themselves.


Finally, patience is key when communicating with family members who do not speak English fluently. It can be frustrating at times when having to repeat yourself or to communicate in a different way, but getting angry or impatient will only make the situation worse. Instead, I try to remain calm and remember that it takes time for everyone to learn a new language.

When my family is struggling to understand what I am saying, I try to rephrase or use synonyms to help them understand. I also encourage them to ask questions and not be afraid to make mistakes. By creating a comfortable, judgement-free environment, my family feels more confident speaking English with me.


In conclusion, overcoming the language barrier with my family has been a challenge at times, but it has also been rewarding. By keeping the language simple, using visual aids, and being patient, I have found ways to communicate effectively with my family. And through it all, I have learned to appreciate the diversity within my family and the unique perspectives and ideas they bring to the table.



