

It is always a pleasure to meet new people. Whether you are attending a business meeting, social event, or simply running errands around town, meeting someone new can be an exciting experience. However, if you are not a native English speaker, it can be challenging to know how to greet someone in English. In this article, we will explore different ways to say "It's nice to meet you" in English.

Saying "It's nice to meet you"

When meeting someone for the first time in English, the most common expression is "It's nice to meet you." This is a polite and friendly way to greet someone and is appropriate for both formal and casual situations. Here are some variations of this phrase:

  • It's great to meet you.
  • It's a pleasure to meet you.
  • It's lovely to meet you.

Depending on the situation and your personal preference, you can choose any of these expressions to greet someone in English.

Responding to "It's nice to meet you"

When someone greets you with "It's nice to meet you" or a similar expression, it is polite to respond in kind. Here are some ways to respond:

  • It's nice to meet you too.
  • The pleasure is mine.
  • Likewise.
  • Thank you.

You can choose any of these responses depending on the situation and your personal style. It is important to acknowledge the other person's greeting and let them know that you are happy to meet them as well.

Greeting someone you have met before

If you are meeting someone you have already met before, you can use different expressions to greet them. Here are some options:

  • Hi there!
  • Hello again!
  • Nice to see you.
  • How are you?

These expressions are more casual and friendly than "It's nice to meet you" and are appropriate for situations where you have previously met the person.


Knowing how to greet someone in English is an important social skill, especially if you travel to English-speaking countries or work with international clients. Using polite and friendly expressions like "It's nice to meet you" can help you make a good first impression and build positive relationships. Remember to respond to other people's greetings in kind and be confident in your use of English. With practice, you will become comfortable using these expressions in a variety of situations.



