


What to Say when Someone is Good at English?

When you meet someone who is really good at speaking English, it can be difficult to find the right words to express your admiration. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use to show your appreciation for their language skills.

1. "Wow, your English is really impressive!" - This is a straightforward way to express your admiration for someone's language ability.

2. "Your fluency in English is remarkable!" - Using the word "remarkable" emphasizes just how extraordinary you think their English skills are.

3. "You have a real talent for English!" - This phrase is a bit more personal, and implies that the person has a natural ability for the language.

4. "Your command of English is excellent!" - Using "command" suggests that the person has a thorough mastery of the language.

5. "I'm so impressed by how well you speak English!" - This phrase focuses on the speaker's personal reaction to the person's language abilities.

6. "You're a great communicator in English!" - This phrase can be used to praise not just someone's fluency, but also their communication skills in general.

7. "You make English sound so effortless!" - This is a playful way to acknowledge someone's impressive language skills, while also recognizing the hard work and effort they have put in.

Overall, the key is to be genuine and specific in your praise. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work and achievements, and by complimenting someone on their English abilities, you are not only making them feel good, but also pushing them to continue improving their skills.


When it comes to praising someone's abilities, we often say "I think he is great" or "I think he is amazing." However, in English, there are many more phrases and expressions that can be used to convey admiration and respect for someone's talents.

One way to express admiration for someone's abilities is to say "I think he is really talented." This phrase conveys that not only does the person possess skill, but that skill is something special and unique. It implies that the individual is naturally gifted and has a certain level of mastery in their field.

Another way to express admiration is to say "I think he is very skilled." This phrase implies that the individual has developed their abilities through hard work and dedication. It is a testament to their commitment to their craft and a recognition of the effort they have put in to achieve the level of proficiency they have.

A phrase that is often used to express admiration in a more informal setting is "I think he is awesome." This phrase is more colloquial and is often used by younger people to show excitement and enthusiasm for someone's abilities. It conveys a sense of awe and admiration for the person's talents, and is often used to describe someone who is well-known or very popular.

Finally, if you want to express admiration in a more formal or professional setting, you can say "I believe he is highly skilled." This phrase conveys a sense of respect for the person's abilities and is often used in a business or academic context. It implies that the individual is one of the best in their field and is highly respected by their peers.

In conclusion, there are many ways to express admiration and respect for someone's skills and abilities in English. By using different phrases and expressions, you can convey different nuances of praise and show your appreciation for the talents of others.



