



1. Wife:这是最常用的译法,表示“妻子”或“太太”。例如,“My wife and I went to the movies last night.”

2. Spouse:这个词可以通用于男女,表示“配偶”。例如,“John and his spouse have been married for 10 years.”

3. Partner:虽然这个词可以用于男女,但是通常用于同性恋或非婚姻伴侣关系中。例如,“Samantha and her partner adopted a child together.”

4. Better half:这个词在正式的场合不太适用,但是可以在幽默或口语中使用,表示“另一半”或“更好的一半”。例如,“I can't make a decision without consulting my better half.”

如果你需要表达“妻子”这个词,使用“wife”是最稳妥的选择。如果想通用于男女,可以使用“spouse。”而如果想要用一个比较幽默或者浪漫的说法,使用“better half”则是一个不错的选择。无论使用哪个词语,都要根据语境和受众来决定,并记得在适当的场合尊重和体贴你的妻子或配偶。


Chang'e, also known as the Moon Goddess, is a popular figure in Chinese mythology. According to legend, she was the wife of Hou Yi, a skilled archer who shot down nine suns from the sky. In Chinese culture, Chang'e and Hou Yi are often depicted as a pair, representing the ideal of marital harmony and unity.

The story of Chang'e and Hou Yi is one of the most famous romantic tales in China. As the legend goes, Hou Yi was granted a special potion that would make him immortal. However, he was warned that the potion would only work for one person, and he must not share it with anyone else.

Hou Yi decided to keep the potion safe until he could use it to become immortal. However, his wife Chang'e discovered the potion and drank it herself. She then ascended to the moon, where she became the Moon Goddess.

The tale of Chang'e and Hou Yi has been passed down through generations in China and remains a beloved part of the country's culture. It has inspired countless works of literature, art, and music, and is often referenced in popular media.

In English, the phrase "Chang'e is Hou Yi's wife" would be translated as "Chang'e was married to Hou Yi" or "Hou Yi was the husband of Chang'e." While not as poetically beautiful as the Chinese phrasing, these translations convey the same essential meaning.

Overall, Chang'e and Hou Yi are symbols of love, sacrifice, and devotion in Chinese mythology. Their story continues to captivate and inspire people around the world, reminding us of the power of love and the importance of cherishing those we hold dear.



