


Being responsible is a crucial trait when it comes to leadership. Leaders who are not responsible may not be able to make informed decisions and may end up causing more harm than good. Therefore, it is important for leaders to demonstrate responsibility in their actions and words.

When it comes to using English to describe someone who is responsible, there are several phrases that can be used. One common phrase is “accountable.” This means that the person is willing to accept responsibility for their actions and the outcomes that result from them. For example, a responsible team leader would be accountable for the success or failure of their team’s project.

Another phrase that can be used to describe a responsible person is “reliable.” This means that the person can be counted on to follow through on their commitments and keep their promises. For example, a responsible employee would be reliable by completing assignments on time and delivering quality work.

A third phrase that can be used to describe a responsible person is “dependable.” This means that the person is consistent and can be trusted to behave in a responsible manner. For example, a responsible friend would be dependable by showing up on time, keeping confidences, and helping out when needed.

In addition to these phrases, there are other words that can be used to describe responsible individuals. These may include “trustworthy,” “responsible,” “dependable,” “accountable,” and “reliable.”

In conclusion, being responsible is a key trait of successful leaders. Using English to describe a responsible person may involve such phrases as “accountable,” “reliable,” or “dependable.” Ultimately, a responsible leader will demonstrate these traits through their actions and examples, inspiring and empowering those around them to behave responsibly as well.


As the head of the school's English radio station, I am responsible for managing and organizing the radio programs to provide a fun and educational experience for our listeners. English radio is an excellent way for students to improve their language skills and learn more about different cultures and topics.

In order to keep the radio station running smoothly, my team and I work hard to plan out the content, invite guests, and conduct interviews. We also ensure that the audio quality is top-notch, and that the equipment is properly maintained.

Through English radio, we hope to provide a platform for students to showcase their talents, whether it's through singing, reciting poetry, or sharing their own personal stories. We also use the radio to keep our school community informed about important events and developments.

In addition to our regular programming, we often hold special events and competitions. We recently held a radio drama competition, in which students wrote and produced their own original audio plays. The listeners thoroughly enjoyed the creative and entertaining stories that the students produced.

Being the head of the school's English radio station isn't always easy, but it's incredibly fulfilling. I believe that English radio can make a positive impact on our students, helping them to gain confidence in their language abilities and expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around us.

Overall, running the English radio station is an exciting and rewarding experience, and I'm honored to be in a position to help provide students with a fun and engaging learning opportunity.



