



下午是指从中午12点的时刻过去算起,到晚上6点的这段时间。在英语中,下午的表达方式是“afternoon”。例如,下午两点的表达方式是“two o’clock in the afternoon”。

如果你想用更具体的方式表达下午的时间,可以使用“PM”的缩写。PM指的是“post meridian”,也就是“中午之后”。在24小时制的时间中,下午一点的表达方式是“1 PM”;下午四点的表达方式是“4 PM”。

除了表达时间,英语中还有一些和下午相关的常用短语。例如,“Good afternoon”是在下午见面时的问候语,表示“下午好”。下午茶(afternoon tea或者简称tea)是英国人风俗中的一项活动,大多在下午进行,是喝茶、点心和聊天的一种活动。

在商务场合中,使用“in the afternoon”来表示会议或者商谈的时间。例如,“我们可以在下午2点举行会议”可以表达为“We can hold the meeting at 2 PM in the afternoon.”



In our school, we have a wide variety of classes, including a physical education class. It is an important subject, as it helps students stay healthy and develop physical skills. However, sometimes the class is conducted in English, which is a challenge for some students who are not familiar with the language. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a physical education class taught in English.

Firstly, you should familiarize yourself with the vocabulary related to physical education. Make a list of words related to sports, fitness, and body movements. You can use online resources or ask your teacher for a list of vocabulary words that will be used in class.

Secondly, practice speaking English by engaging in conversations with your classmates and teacher. Try to engage in conversations related to physical education, and ask your teacher for clarification if there are words or phrases you don't understand.

Thirdly, be confident when you speak English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Remember, the more you practice, the better you will become.

Fourthly, pay attention to the instructions given by the teacher. If you don't understand, ask the teacher to repeat or clarify the instructions for you.

Finally, prepare your body for physical activity. Make sure you wear appropriate clothing and footwear that are comfortable and suitable for physical activities. Remember to bring a water bottle, so you can stay hydrated during the class.

In conclusion, a physical education class taught in English can be challenging for some students, but with preparation and practice, you can overcome it. By familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary, practicing speaking English, being confident, paying attention to instructions, and preparing your body, you will be able to excel in the class and enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity.



