


As more and more women pursue their careers, the role of a housewife has become less common. However, being a housewife is still a significant and important role in many families today. So if you are a housewife, how should you describe yourself in English?

Firstly, let's define what a housewife is. A housewife is a woman who manages the household, takes care of the family members, and performs domestic chores such as cooking and cleaning. In English, you can use the term "homemaker" or "household manager" to refer to a housewife.

If you want to describe yourself as a housewife in English, you can say "I'm a homemaker" or "I'm a household manager". These terms sound more formal and professional, which can help you to earn more respect and recognition from others.

Additionally, you can also use adjectives to describe your role and the tasks you perform. For example, you can say "I'm a full-time homemaker" or "I'm a stay-at-home mom who manages the household and takes care of my children". These descriptions show that you are dedicated to your role as a housewife and take it seriously.

In contrast, if you prefer a more casual and informal approach, you can also use the term "housewife". Although it's not as politically correct as other terms, it's still widely used and understood.

To summarize, being a housewife is a significant role in many families, and there are various ways to describe yourself in English. Whether you use "homemaker", "household manager", or "housewife", the most important thing is to take pride in your role and contribute to your family's well-being.


As we all know, a housewife is someone who manages the household and takes care of the family. The term "housewife" has been replaced by various modern terms such as "homemaker," "stay-at-home mom," and "domestic engineer." However, there are still plenty of people who prefer to use the traditional term "housewife" to describe the role.

The term "housewife" is usually written as two words, "house" and "wife." The pronunciation of the word "wife" is "wahyf." In British English, the term "housewife" is often pronounced as "haus-wif," while in American English, it is often pronounced as "haus-wahyf."

Being a housewife is an important and demanding job. Housewives take on a broad range of responsibilities, from looking after children to cooking meals, doing laundry, and cleaning the household. They often have to multitask, manage budgets, and schedule appointments on behalf of their family. In short, they are a vital part of the family.

In recent years, the role of a housewife has been increasingly recognized by society. There are now many online communities and support groups for housewives, which provide them with a platform to share their experiences and seek advice from one another. This has helped to make being a housewife less isolated and more fulfilling.

Despite the changing roles of women in society, it is important not to underestimate the value of a housewife. They play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and happiness of the family unit, which in turn contributes to the well-being of society as a whole.

In conclusion, the term "housewife" is still relevant and widely used today. Being a housewife is a significant and admirable role that demands a great deal of dedication and hard work. It is a role that deserves our respect and appreciation.



