


Dirty,这是表示“肮脏”的常用词语,它的意思是 something not clean or polished, often because it has been used for a long time. Dirty不仅仅是形容词,它还可以作为动词,意思是使……变脏。


除此之外,还有一些特殊用法。比如,mucky这个单词可以描述粘液、泥、污垢以及其他不干净的事物。Stinky一般用于形容有强烈气味的事物,例如:stinky cheese。Slimey形容人或事物表面有一层黏液或有其他令人恶心的东西贴着。




In the past, river water was dirty and polluted. This was mainly due to industrialization and urbanization, which led to the dumping of chemical waste and sewage into rivers.

As industries expanded and cities grew, waterways became increasingly contaminated with raw sewage, chemicals, and other pollutants. This made it challenging to use river water for drinking, bathing, or other domestic uses. Furthermore, the river became unsightly, with floating debris and a foul odor.

The problem was exacerbated by the fact that regulations were weak or non-existent, and there was no adequate water treatment technology to clean up polluted water. This resulted in the spread of water-borne diseases, which posed a serious threat to public health.

Over time, the realization grew that something had to be done to clean up rivers. Governments began to pass laws regulating the discharge of pollutants into waterways and requiring industrial wastewater treatment. Water treatment technology also gradually advanced, making it possible to purify water and remove contaminants.

Today, many rivers have been restored to their natural beauty, with clear water and abundant fish and wildlife. This has been achieved through the efforts of governments, businesses, and individuals working together to protect the environment.

In conclusion, in the past rivers were dirty due to industrialization and urbanization, which led to the dumping of chemical waste and sewage into rivers. However, regulations and water treatment technology have allowed for the restoration of previously polluted rivers. It is important to remember that we need to take care of our natural resources to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations.



