


How to Say “抬头” in English

When we want to say "抬头" in English, we often use the term "look up". This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, from telling someone to physically lift their head, to asking them to search for information online or in a book.

In its most common usage, "look up" means to physically lift your head or raise your gaze. For example, if you were walking with your head down, and someone wanted to speak to you, they might say "Hey! Look up!" to get your attention. If you were reading a book and someone called your name, they might say "Look up from your book and listen to me!" Similarly, if you were sitting at a desk and needed to stretch your neck, you might say "I need to look up for a moment – my neck is getting stiff!"

Another common usage of "look up" is in reference to searching for information. When we want to find something we don't know, we might "look it up" in a dictionary, encyclopedia, or on the internet. For example, if you were trying to spell a word and weren't sure if you had it right, you might say "Hang on, let me look it up in the dictionary." If you were trying to learn more about a certain topic, you might say "I'm going to look up some articles on that subject and read them tonight."

Finally, "look up" can be used in a more metaphorical sense, referring to a positive change in someone's circumstances. If someone is feeling down or experiencing difficulties, they might say "Things are really looking up for me lately!" to express hope or optimism.

In conclusion, when we want to express the idea of "抬头" in English, we can use the term "look up" in a variety of contexts. Whether we are referring to physically lifting our head, searching for information, or expressing optimism for the future, "look up" is a versatile and useful phrase to know.



第一种表达法是“lift up one's head”,字面意思是“抬起一个人的头部”。这种说法更常用于描述一种高昂的姿态,或者是在对抗、挑战或自信的情境下。例如,“When I heard the announcement that I had won the first prize, I lifted up my head and looked around, feeling so proud.”(当我听到我获得了一等奖的时候,我抬起头来四周张望,感觉非常自豪。)

第二种表达法是“look up”,意为“抬头看”。这种说法更加简洁明了,常用于描述单纯的动作或者询问别人是否在抬头看某个东西。例如,“Can you look up and see if the sky is blue?”(你能抬起头来看一下天空是不是蓝色吗?)




