




你可以使用一些短语来表示你的高兴心情。比如,“be on cloud nine(感到无比幸福)”、“be over the moon(喜出望外)”、“be elated(高兴得难以自抑)”等都可以用来描述你的开心心情。






I had a Great Time Playing with My Classmates

Last week, I had the most amazing time playing with my classmates. We had so much fun together and I want to share my experience in English.

It all started on Friday afternoon when our teacher announced that we could spend the last hour of the day playing games in the schoolyard. We were all so excited and couldn't wait to start. I asked my friends what games they wanted to play, and we all agreed to play soccer, dodgeball, and capture the flag.

We divided into teams and started playing. It was a bit warm outside, but we didn't care, we were having too much fun. I remember the moment when my team won the soccer game, and we all shouted and high-fived each other. It was an exhilarating feeling, and I felt lucky to have such amazing friends to share it with.

After soccer, we played dodgeball. I was a bit hesitant to join at first, but my friends convinced me to give it a try. It was so much fun dodging and throwing the ball while laughing and screaming. We all got hit multiple times, but we didn't care as it was all part of the game.

Finally, we played capture the flag. I remember the moment when my friend Amy managed to sneak into the enemy's territory and steal their flag. It was a bold move, and we all cheered for her. We felt like champions, and it was a great end to a fun-filled day.

As we were heading back to class, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such great classmates. We laughed, played, and bonded like never before. It was one of those moments that I would remember for years to come.

In conclusion, playing with my classmates was an unforgettable experience. I had so much fun playing soccer, dodgeball, and capture the flag with my friends. It was an excellent way to end the school week and I look forward to many more fun-filled afternoons with my classmates.



