


Feeling Uncomfortable, How to Say it in English

Sometimes we feel uncomfortable due to various reasons, such as physical discomfort or emotional distress. When we encounter such situations in an English-speaking environment, it is essential to know how to express ourselves using proper English words. Here are some common ways to say "难受” in English.

1. Uncomfortable

The word "uncomfortable" in English means not feeling physically or emotionally relaxed or at ease. It is a common word to describe a mild sense of discomfort or uneasiness. For example, "I am uncomfortable in this chair" or "I am feeling uncomfortable about this situation."

2. Sick

The word "sick" in English refers to the feeling of nausea or severe discomfort, usually in the stomach. It can also refer to more severe physical problems, such as vomiting, fever, or diarrhea. For example, "I feel sick to my stomach" or "I think I am getting sick."

3. Painful

The word "painful" in English refers to a sharp, intense feeling of physical discomfort or distress. It is used to describe anything that causes extreme physical agony, such as a headache, stomachache, or backache. For example, "My head is pounding, and it is painful."

4. Upset

The word "upset" in English refers to feeling emotionally disturbed or distressed. It is used to describe a sense of mental discomfort, such as being angry, sad, or anxious. For example, "I am so upset by what happened today" or "I feel upset about the test result."

5. Worried

The word "worried" in English refers to feeling troubled or anxious about something. It often refers to a situation that is yet to occur, such as an upcoming exam or presentation. For example, "I am worried about the meeting tomorrow" or "I have been worried about my health lately."

In conclusion, expressing our discomforts in English can help us get the help and support we need in a foreign environment. By knowing these words and phrases, we can communicate our feelings accurately and effectively. It is essential to keep in mind that context matters, and we should choose our words carefully.


Feeling uncomfortable or not feeling well can be a very common experience that we all go through at times. It can be related to physical or emotional feelings and can range from mild to severe discomfort. If you're looking to express this feeling in English, here are a few ways to do so.

One common way of expressing discomfort in English is to simply say "I feel unwell." This is a general statement that can be used to express any kind of discomfort, whether physical or emotional. It can be used in a variety of situations, such as when you are feeling sick or when you are experiencing anxiety or stress.

Another way to express discomfort is to use more specific descriptions. For example, if you are feeling pain in a particular part of your body, you could say "I have a headache" or "My stomach hurts." If you are experiencing emotional discomfort, you might say "I feel sad" or "I'm feeling anxious."

In some cases, you might want to express the severity of your discomfort. For instance, if you are feeling very sick, you might say "I feel terrible" or "I feel awful." Alternatively, if you are feeling mildly uncomfortable, you could say "I don't feel great" or "I'm not feeling very well."

It's important to note that the language used to express discomfort can vary depending on the culture. In some cultures, it may be less common to talk about personal feelings, while in others it may be more common to be more direct about your discomfort.

In conclusion, when expressing discomfort in English, it's important to consider the context and severity of your feelings. Using the appropriate language can help you communicate your discomfort effectively and help others understand what you are going through.



